South side entrance of bank

First Bethany Bank & Trust Leadership

Meet the Board

Click here for our current FBBT Board roster


In 1967 Peter G. Pierce acquired control of the bank and successfully navigated it conservatively through the expanding economy and then oil boom, while hundreds of other banks failed. He remained active in management until he passed in 1993.


In the face of offers to sell, the Pierce family, sons Chris and Peter G. III, decided to continue as one of the few locally-owned and managed banks in the metro area.


The Pierce family installed Nelson Pickrell as Chief Executive Officer in 1998. Under his leadership, First Bethany grew 30% in five years. He continues to serve on the FBB Board.


Keeping the Bank in the Pierce family, Dorothy Pierce now serves as Chair of the Board, and her son Paul is on the Board as well.


Jane Haskin served as President from 2006-2017 and Priscilla Cude 2017-current.